Security Researcher + Software Engineer. Former AAA Game Dev.
Security Research
Currently, I work as a security researcher developing secure code examples and applications in C/C++ following guidelines provided by MISRA/CERT. Primarily, my work is focused on developing content to aid developers in understanding how vulnerabilities work and how to write code that defends against them.
Sea of Thieves
Previously, I worked on Sea of Thieves in a gameplay team at Rare and for some time on the engine team focused on anti-cheat. Given evidence of cheating, I would investigate using a variety of techniques then develop proof-of-concepts showing the exploits and develop fixes for them. On the gameplay side, I primarily worked on popular updates A Pirate’s Life and Season 8’s PVP on demand where I helped to develop the server migration technology and AI enemies, amongst other features.
A personal tool for researching that pulls papers from arxiv and financial data from tiingo built with React + Materials and Rust.
Game Engine for Fun
A game engine written in C++ to learn more about low-level/internal workings of a game engine and the architectural challenges.
VMS Image Editor
A desktop application written in C# for creating images to be displayed on VMS’s